Event details
- Saturday | September 21, 2024
- 11:59 pm - 11:59 pm
Map Unavailable
Date(s) - 04/17/2022
10:00 am - 11:15 am
Categories No Categories
Greetings! We will celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, April 17th because “Hope is Alive!” There will be one exciting service at 10 AM. The doors will open at 9:30AM. This service will include music, dance, drama and a word from Heaven! We invite you and your family to join us this Easter! If you would like to join us virtually, you may tune in from our Website and Youtube Channel. There will also be a direct link on our Facebook Page!
Youth Updates
- The Nursery is open to families with babies and toddlers. This is not a drop-off option. A parent/guardian must be present. Sanitized toys and snacks are available. The service will be streamed live on television in the Nursery
- Children’s Ministry services will be held in the Haven Center April 3rd & 10th.
- Teen Service will be held on Sunday, April 10th for Grades 7-12 in the Haven Center. The teens will start in the main sanctuary and be dismissed for a special lesson after Praise & Worship
*Strict safety protocols will be in effect during all youth services. Snacks will be provides
*Updated COVID-19 Protocols (April 2022)
- All attendees can begin to arrive 20 minutes prior to the service time and will enter through the main front door
- All attendees will have their temperature checked upon arrival
- All attendees age 2 & older must appropriately wear a mask while entering but can remove your mask once seated.
- We encourage you to worship freely, but please be mindful of the location of others.
- Although there will be an opportunity to give offering and/or tithes after the dismissal, we do encourage you to give online on the website or by downloading the Free Givelify Phone App.
- All additional ministry conversations (new members, water/spirit baptisms, counsel, etc) will continue in the chapel at the conclusion of the service.