“First plant your fields, then build your barn.”
(Proverbs 24:27 MSG)
Greetings in the wonderful name of our soon coming King, Jesus Christ! Stand on God’s Word and know that this is “The Year of Performance!” I am believing God that this will be your greatest year for ministry and releasing yourself to the will of God! Time is crucial with the Lord returning soon. We now our poised to be used by God as never before!
The start of a new year is always so exciting because it is as if we all are given a clean slate to begin again. We no doubt had “mountain-top” victories, as well as experienced “low-valley” failures. But whatever our defeats or failures were in 2015, we are given the opportunity with a new year to make sure they are not repeated. You have turned a new page in your book of life. Don’t go back and relish in what cannot be changed! It’s time to move forward and only use the experiences of the past to help chart your direction for the future.
I’ll be introducing a new LIFE Impact Bible Study that will ‘Prepare us for Performance.’ We must get things in order and manage our Money, Time, Emotions, Relationships, and Health. I trust you will plan to attend and determine that you must make a change! As you prepare for this New Year, I encourage you to spend ‘quality’ time meditating (or evaluating) what goals you want to accomplish for 2016. And once you’ve made the determination, you then must establish a plan!
I’m intrigued with the Proverb writer as he reminds us to “First plant your fields, then build your barn.” (24:27 MSG) We must carry out our work in proper order. If a farmer builds his house in the spring, he will miss the planting season and go a year without food! If a businessman invests his money in a new car or house while his business is struggling to grow, he may end up losing it all. Remember, it’s possible to work hard and yet lose everything because you’ve placed attention in the wrong area at the wrong time. You have misplaced priorities!
Get your house in order and put first things first! Establish your budget, set a new agenda for your daily devotions, review & prepare your resume, get your relationships as they should, but most of all, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness…” Be blessed knowing the promises of God will be true in your life. Let us continue to pray one for one another. This is… “The Year of Performance!”
Pastor A. Glenn Brady