By Eld Mary Green
This morning I awaken with a burden for souls as never before. I sat down and began to pin what God had given me. The story from John 10: 22 – 30 and Luke 15: 1-7 came to my mind. They bought deal with the attributes of a Good Shepherd. Luke 15: 1-7 gives an account of a shepherd leaving ninety-nine sheep in the wilderness to go after one which was lost until he finds it and how he rejoices with his friends and neighbors when he returns with the sheep. Then Jesus in this parable, tells the Pharisees and Scribes that there will be more rejoicing in Heaven when one sinner repents than over the ninety-nine just persons who needed no repentance.
John 10: 22 – 30 gives an account of Jesus talking to the Jews at the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem concerning if he was the Christ. His response in simple language was if you were my sheep then you would know me by my voice. Why? His sheep can hear and distinguish his voice from another. Therefore, they will never perish or be snatched from his hand. Then he confirms that his father has given him this power and that he is one with the Father. Today, Jesus has given this same power to the Pastors and leaders of the physical Church.
I am so glad that my Pastor understands the importance of a shepherd and that his number one mission is to make sure he leads the sheep under him to heaven. My prayer is that all Pastors and church leaders will understand their role. Remember, sheep are defenseless, directionless, and unwise. It is their nature to wander, they can’t fight, they can’t run or scare off their predators. At best, when they sense danger, they gather in a pack and run in circles in complete panic hoping the predator will not choose them. Isn’t that what we are seeing today? Scared sheep are coming together in herds hoping that they won’t be touched by the virus. And because of their social nature, some are headed for the cliff. Shepherds, where are you?
Shepherds the sheep need daily provisions. God has given you manna from on high. Feed your sheep! Your sheep are vulnerable and no match for this predator. You are their protection. Teach them how to hope in God and pray. Teach them how to rehearse God’s word for it is a defense. Teach them the attributes of God, the Good Shepherd, and the liberty that repentance provides. This is the only way you will be able to lead them to quiet waters (still waters) in this rushing stream of life and prepare them for Heaven.